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Friends of the Collegio!

Our Church in the Philippines constantly needs to send Priests for further studies in the best Catholic Universities in Rome. They reside and undergo holistic formation at the Pontificio Collegio Filippino (Pontifical Filipino College) — close to the Holy Father physically, spiritually and doctrinally — and include in their daily Masses the special intentions of all who ask for prayers.

Friends of the Collegio helps achieve this mission, with your generosity. Donations from all over the world are put to good use in sponsoring priests sent from different dioceses in the Philippines and other countries. The fund will cover expenses for operations, renovations and continuing formation programs for our Priests in the Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome.

Friends of the Collegio is a registered 501c3 organization in the United States, where donors also have tax deduction benefits. Friends of the Collegio’s EIN number is: 47-4473775.

NOTE: Donations could be done WITHOUT TRANSACTION FEES via credit or debit card!
100% of all donations go to support Pontificio Collegio Filippino.


Priests trained in Rome return home after two to four years, to take charge of seminaries and other ministries in their dioceses.

Volunteer without leaving your home, in this mission of training trainors for the Philippine Church…

Volunteer wherever you live and work — or retire, for that matter — through a monthly recurring donation.

Join in the mission to support our Priests as they get trained to be trainors for the Church in the Philippines and the world.

1. Click or scan QR code to sponsor a Priest or Diocese in the Philippines and other mission areas in Asia and Africa. Please consider making a monthly donation.

2. Click here to make a donation for operations, renovations and continuing formation programs for our Priests. Please consider making a monthly donation (first option after you click). You may donate via debit or credit card, BPI, GCash, PayPal, IBAN (Europe), bank transfer, mailing a check, etc.

Click here for your

The Pontificio Collegio Filippino in Rome includes your special intentions in their daily Masses, Liturgy of the Hours, Rosaries and other prayers.
